Blue Remembered Hills
by Theresa Tahara
Blue Remembered Hills
Theresa Tahara
Photograph - Digital Photography
The Land of Lost Content ~ Houseman
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
It was a was beautiful day up in Rosehill today. Perfectly quiet with no other cars or people and when drifts of fog floated silently passed me, I felt like I was breathing the softest air imaginable. The large prints in the foreground are probably coyote or farm dogs and are mixed in with the tracks of many other smaller creatures.
January 1st, 2014
Comments (14)
Debbie Portwood
What a fantastic shot Theresa! Wonderful pov! The view just goes on and on and the blue overall color tone is beautiful! Love the fog banks and beautiful clouds. f/love!! :D (Sorry to be out of touch for so long, it has been a very hard yr. Hopefully things will fall into place now. )
Sandi Mikuse
Oh Ter! I love this! The colour palette is just beautiful! This captures the sparseness and vastness of that area so perfectly. And those tracks just lead the eye off towards distant rolling hills...excellent! L/F
Lianne Schneider
So very moving Theresa - particularly with the poem. I can see why this image brought that immediately to mind. Serene and beautiful - as if you were alone in another world. F/L T P
Nadine and Bob Johnston
Thank You for Submitting your Artwork.... Liked the subject, description, technique, composition, and color... So this week it was Published in the Internet publication ARTISTS NEWS.... Make sure you are subscribed, so you can Promote weekly... YOU or Friends Can use Ctl-C to copy the link: and Ctl-V to put it into your the Browser Address bar, to view the publication. Then, Tweet, FB, and email, etc a copy of the publication, to just anyone you who would be interested.
Teresa Zieba
So beautiful, soft and delicate, not like harsh winter here at all. Happy New Year Theresa, for you and yours.
Theresa Tahara replied:
Happy New Year to you too, Teresa. We have only had half the amount of snow as last year so it has been a good winter. ;-)