Clumping Birch Trees And Fog
by Theresa Tahara
Clumping Birch Trees And Fog
Theresa Tahara
Photograph - Digital Photography
Many stands of Clumping Birch Trees growing wild in the country with fog in the background. This tree is sometimes called "The Watchful Tree" because of eye-like impressions on the bark.
Birches often form even-aged stands on light, well-drained, particularly acidic soils. They are regarded as pioneer species, rapidly colonising open ground especially in secondary successional sequences following a disturbance or fire. Birches are early tree species to establish in primary successions, and can become a threat to heathland if the seedlings and saplings are not suppressed by grazing or periodic burning.
Birch foliage is used as a food plant by the larvae of a large number of lepidopteran (butterflies and moths) species.
Photographed in a very small area called McLure situated along the North Thompson River. Beautiful British Columbia. Photo has a slight sepia tint. Pure black and white available upon request by email.
June 9th, 2014