Ebb Tide
by Theresa Tahara
Ebb Tide
Theresa Tahara
Photograph - Photography - Black And White
The tide has created a large heart in the middle of this photograph. Black and white photography, Tofino, Long Beach, Vancouver Island, BC Canada.
First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very
Still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last, we're face to face
And as we kiss
Through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
You are love, you are real
Really mine in the rain
In the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at it's ebb
I'm at peace in the
Web of your arms
Although many have sung "Ebb Tide", I will always remember The Platters.
March 14th, 2013
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Comments (26)
Nadine and Bob Johnston
Congratulations, ARTISTS NEWS has FEATURED your wonderful image AND Published it in -The Internet Weekly... Artist News - http://paper.li/f-1343723559# --- If you go to the paper, click SHARE, you can Tweet, Facebook, or even Email a copy to Friends, Relatives and others, so they can see the Publication in the ARTIST NEWS. It's one of our FAVORITES today... We do not always have the time to Comment, but just had to leave one on this beautiful piece of work.
Bob Orsillo
The Platters had the magic with this song didn't they. This is really stunning Theresa, interesting how two heart shapes are formed by the sea and sand. v/f/t/g+
Theresa Tahara replied:
Bob, I never even noticed the hearts. Thank you. I love the sea and the sound of the waves and miss it all the time. ;-))))
Cradle cove Editions
It is wonderful, this quiet caress of Pale Fire . . . ^.^
Theresa Tahara replied:
Thank you, Gary. So nice to hear from you. Isn't there a poem called "Pale Fire"?