Field Of Dreams

by Theresa Tahara
Field Of Dreams
Theresa Tahara
Photograph - Photography / Digital Art
In her dream, she was young again and walking through the field she remembered playing in as a child. Her innocent self knew there were faeries there and, if you listened closely, you could hear them talking to the flowers. The dream reminded her of all that once was good, and that could be again. This field is no longer covered in daisies. It is now cultivated for hay. (watermark will not appear on print)
July 10th, 2011
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Comments (58)

Maggie Terlecki
I love how you took a photograph and turned it into this very dreamy piece. Just wonderful, all of it! :-) Maggie

Sheila Preston-Ford
I really like all your meadow works:)
Theresa Tahara replied:
Thanks very much, Sheila. I will tell my model. She works hard running and twirling for me. ;-)