
by Theresa Tahara
Theresa Tahara
Photograph - Photography
My sister asked me to "cat sit" her 4 month old kitten for 3 months. He clawed his way into my heart and wouldn't let go. I now own one part white, part black, and part Siamese cat.
The following is a quote from "Miao" written by Dilys Laing. "I put down my book, The Meaning of Zen, and see the cat smiling into his fur as he delicately combs it with his rough pink tongue. "Cat, I would lend you this book to study but it appears you have already read it." He looks up and gives me his full gaze. "Don't be ridiculous," he purrs, "I wrote it." (I changed the "she" and "her" to "he" and "him" because, of course, Hamish is a he.)
May 27th, 2013
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Comments (26)

David and Carol Kelly
What a uniquely marked kitty and such beautiful eyes. You commented on our little Fritz. We were cat people, too, until he came into our lives three years ago. He has a big sister, our huge Ragdoll. He has fun trying to boss her around, but she puts him in his place. They are adorable to watch. L
Theresa Tahara replied:
What fun you must have. Thank you, David and Carol. Hamish was the best cat ever.

Connie Handscomb
Dear Hamish .. .we love you ;)))
Theresa Tahara replied:
Hamish says, thanks. If he knew you, he would love you back. Very cautious he is. ;-)))

Patricia Strand
Such unusual markings! It would make me smile to look at this kitty each day. Your portrait is perfect. v/f

Diane Schuster
What a sweet guy! I love his name! Great portrait! vote
Theresa Tahara replied:
Thank you, Diane. I named him after Duncan on "Monarch of the Glen". Lol. I have only been off the continent once and that was to visit Scotland and I loved it.

Cradle cove Editions
Purrrrr-fect ^.^
Theresa Tahara replied:
Hi Gary, you and Kathy must have hit the enter key at the same time. ;-) Thank you. ;-)