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Love Photograph by Theresa Tahara

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Comments (4)

Sweet Moments Photography

Sweet Moments Photography

Beautiful, v :)

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Marilyn. ;-)

Randy Rosenberger

Randy Rosenberger

I am proud to display this fine piece of beautiful art work on our FEATURED PAGE, of Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery, as it exemplifies the true talents of our fine artists in our family here in our group. Thanks for sharing this beauty, and I am honored to promote this FINE piece of artwork on our homage! Fave and vote Forever, Elvis

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thanks very much for the feature, Randy. ;-)

Barbara St Jean

Barbara St Jean

Such a beautiful poem and so lovely done!! Great work!! F/V

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Barbara. ;-)

Cindy Grundsten

Cindy Grundsten

Ohh so very very beautiful!

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thanks for finding this one, Cindy. ;-)

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Love by Theresa Tahara
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