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The Iris Photograph by Theresa Tahara

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Comments (17)

Georgia Mizuleva

Georgia Mizuleva

This is so wonderful.

Skip Nall

Skip Nall

Beautiful! V/F

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Skip. ;-)

Bonnie Bruno

Bonnie Bruno

This just gave me a huge case of spring fever. It's lovely, Theresa.

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thanks you, Bonnie. ;-)

Evelina Popilian

Evelina Popilian

Lovely image, F/V

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thanks very much, Evelina. ;-)

Marsha Heiken

Marsha Heiken

You amaze me girl! How long have you done this? Looks like a painted Iris. Thanks hun,Marsha

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Marsha. ;-)

Mario Celzner

Mario Celzner

nice :)

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Mario. ;-)

Angela Davies

Angela Davies

Lovely work! V/F

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Angela. ;-)

Randy Rosenberger

Randy Rosenberger

Love the softness and the delicacy of this piece, Theresa! The background really makes the iris stand out, and it is beautifully presented!

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thanks very much, Randy. ;-)

Oiyee  At Oystudio

Oiyee At Oystudio

Sweet, tender and delicate....I absolutely love the watercolour effect...Theresa, you're such a wizard with the camera. This is so much better and harder to achieve than simply Photoshopping it. I wish I could paint like this : ) Big fav and vote!

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thanks so much, Oiyee. ;-)

Bob Orsillo

Bob Orsillo

Dreamy romantic - a photograph of beauty ... v/f

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Bob. ;-)

Jenny Rainbow

Jenny Rainbow

Pure tenderness, Theresa! Love this minimalism style, very beautiful execution!

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Jenny. ;-)

Dean Harte

Dean Harte

lovely work with a nice and delicate feel Theresa. Great job on the processing, V/F!

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Dean. ;-)

A Graceful Margin

A Graceful Margin

Such an elegant impression, simple and pureā€¦ ^.^

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you so much. ;-)

Freddy Kirsheh

Freddy Kirsheh

Theresa,you draw the spirit,delicate and sensitive of beauty.WWWWwonderful.F&V

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Freddy. ;-)

Odd Jeppesen

Odd Jeppesen

Beautiful work. It lights up my screen.

Theresa Tahara replied:

Thank you, Odd. ;-)

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The Iris by Theresa Tahara
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