The Rose Grew Pale And Left Her Cheek
by Theresa Tahara
The Rose Grew Pale And Left Her Cheek
Theresa Tahara
Photograph - Photography
Her bloom was like the springing flower, That sips the silver dew; The rose was budded in her cheek, Just opening to the view. But Love had, like the canker-worm, Consumed her early prime: The rose grew pale, and left her cheek; She died before her time. (From William and Margaret by David Mallet)
The painting in the background is of Josephine Eleonore Marie Pauline de Galard de Brassacede Bearn, Princesse de Broglie by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
A member of the most cultivated circles of the Second Empire, the princess was renowned for her great beauty as well as her reserve.
The Princesse de Broglie died of consumption at the age of thirty-five. Her bereaved husband kept this portrait behind draperies in perpetual tribute to her memory.
July 14th, 2012
Comments (33)
Scott Kingery
The soft image of the background painting adds to the storyline. this is a fantastic image! L/A
Doug Fredericks
Stellar composite photo Theresa. Love how the, woman is just faintly present in the background. I didn't even notice her at first. Excellent work! f/v
John Chivers
campo, colour, black n white..this all comes together so well. Really like this one :) well done
Gabriela Taylor
This image is so full of meaning! If poems could be transformed in light and colours, for sure will find their place in your very beautiful works... Excellent! Voted/fav
Cheri Randolph
Theresa, sad and romantic, beautiful story of undying love. Gave this a vote here & in the Touch of Black contest as well.
Donatella Muggianu
Picture full of charm, mistery, harmony and beauty. I Amicably envy those who can create so beautiful things. :)