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Snow Storm With Crow Photograph by Theresa Tahara

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Comments (11)

James Norman Reed

James Norman Reed

Beautifulll!!!! I love pictures of birds in flight!

Karunita Kapoor

Karunita Kapoor

Inspiring work, Theresa! Beautifully rendered!

Darrell MacIver

Darrell MacIver

This is lovely with the crow flying in the snow.

Sora Neva

Sora Neva

Brava Theresa! Your artwork is featured in Women Who Run With the Wolves.

Michel Verhoef

Michel Verhoef

Wow...Theresa...just fantastic !! It's chillingly...goooood ! :))

Lisa Holland-Gillem

Lisa Holland-Gillem

Fabulous work!

Shari Nees

Shari Nees


Sorin Apostolescu

Sorin Apostolescu

Very beautiful !

Odd Jeppesen

Odd Jeppesen

I love the energy of this.

Mary Wolf

Mary Wolf

Wonderful image, Theresa! Love the snow and mood of this. f/l

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Snow Storm With Crow by Theresa Tahara
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